Demand Value Lanes

This page covers the specifics of Demand Value Lanes and does not cover the more general aspects of Lanes. For more general information about lanes, see the Lane page.


Demand Lanes are stateless lanes that compute a value only when explicitly requested and use the lane’s lifecycle event handler, on_cue to retreive a value to send to attached uplinks. Requests to calculate a new value are made using the Handler Context’s cue function. A Demand Value Lane has the following properties:

Demand Value Lanes are perfect for handling expensive computations that should not be executed with every update. They ensure clients receive the latest state in real-time, without needing every incremental update, and allow for updates as frequently as possible. cue invocations may happen at scheduled intervals (using timers) or after another event has been triggered by an agent (such as after another lane receives an update and its lifecycle event handler invokes cue).

For instances where a map structure is required, a Demand Map Lane exists where a cue_key function queues a key-value pair into the lane.

Example: using a Value Lane event handler to cue a value:

use swimos::agent::event_handler::EventHandler;
use swimos::agent::{
    event_handler::{HandlerAction, HandlerActionExt},
    lanes::{DemandLane, ValueLane},
    lifecycle, projections, AgentLaneModel,

pub struct ExampleAgent {
    state: ValueLane<i32>,
    demand: DemandLane<i32>,

pub struct ExampleLifecycle;

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    pub fn on_event(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
        _value: &i32,
    ) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {

    pub fn on_cue(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
    ) -> impl HandlerAction<ExampleAgent, Completion = i32> {
        context.get_value(ExampleAgent::STATE).map(|n| 2 * n)

Use cases

Demand Value Lanes are suitable for scenarios where immediate data access isn’t crucial, and a delay between linking to the lane and invoking cue is acceptable. Common usecases are:

Event handler

The Demand Value Lane lifecycle event handler has the following signature for an i32 type:

fn handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent, Completion = i32> {

Only one may be registered for the lane and it is invoked exactly once when a cue operation has been requested and the returned EventHandler must complete with the same type as the lane.

Handler Context Operations

The HandlerContext provided as an argument to lifecycle event handlers provide a cue function for cueing a value to the Demand Value Lane:

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use swimos::agent::event_handler::EventHandler;
use swimos::agent::{
    lanes::{DemandLane, ValueLane},
    lifecycle, projections, AgentLaneModel,
use swimos_form::Form;

pub struct ExampleAgent {
    state: ValueLane<i32>,
    metrics: DemandLane<Metrics>,

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ExampleLifecycle {
    metrics: Arc<Mutex<Metrics>>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Form, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Metrics {
    event_count: usize,

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    pub fn on_start(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
    ) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
        context.schedule_repeatedly(Duration::from_secs(2), move || {

    pub fn on_event(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
        _value: &i32,
    ) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
        let metrics = self.metrics.clone();
        context.effect(move || {
            let metrics = &mut *metrics.lock().unwrap();
            metrics.event_count += 1;

    pub fn on_cue(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
    ) -> impl HandlerAction<ExampleAgent, Completion = Metrics> {
        let metrics = self.metrics.clone();
        context.effect(move || *metrics.lock().unwrap())


A subscription to a Demand Value Lane can only be achieved via a Value Downlink. An example client for the previous agent example:

use swimos_client::{BasicValueDownlinkLifecycle, DownlinkConfig, RemotePath, SwimClientBuilder};
use swimos_form::Form;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Form, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Metrics {
    event_count: usize,

async fn main() {
    let (client, task) = SwimClientBuilder::default().build().await;
    let _client_task = tokio::spawn(task);
    let handle = client.handle();

    let metrics_path = RemotePath::new("ws://", "/example/1", "metrics");
    let metrics_lifecycle = BasicValueDownlinkLifecycle::default()
        .on_event_blocking(|metrics: &Metrics| println!("{metrics:?}"));
    let _metrics_downlink = handle
        .expect("Failed to open downlink");

    let state_path = RemotePath::new("ws://", "/example/1", "state");
    let state_downlink = handle
        .expect("Failed to open downlink");

    for i in 0..10 {

        .expect("Failed to listen for ctrl-c.");

Further reading: Downlinks

Try It Yourself

A standalone project that demonstrates Command Lanes is available here.